The Physics of Traffic
Boris S Kerner
Not Available
Complex Dynamics in Communication Networks
Ljupco Kocarev and 1 more
Numerical Continuation Methods for Dynamical Systems
Bernd Krauskopf and 2 more
Lectures in Supercomputational Neuroscience
Peter Graben and 3 more
Armin Fuchs and 1 more
Mathematical Methods in Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing
Rainer Dahlhaus and 3 more
Complex Nonlinearity
Vladimir G Ivancevic and 1 more
Chaos in Structural Mechanics
J Awrejcewicz and 1 more
Complex Dynamics in Physiological Systems
International Workshop on Complex Dynamics of Physiological Systems and 3 more
Complex Systems and Self-Organization Modelling
C Bertelle and 2 more
Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics
International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and 3 more
Sociology and Complexity Science
Brian Castellani and 1 more
Emergence, Analysis and Optimization of Structures
Klaus Lucas and 2 more
L Kocarev and 1 more
Complex Time-Delay Systems
Fatihcan Atay
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Marco Thiel
The Role of Model Integration in Complex Systems Modelling
Manish Patel and 1 more
Simulating Complex Systems by Cellular Automata
Jiri Kroc and 2 more
Advances in Grey Systems Research
Jeffrey YiLin Forrest and 1 more
Manish I Patel and 1 more
Innovation Networks
Andreas Pyka and 1 more
Uncertainty and Surprise in Complex Systems
Reuben R McDaniel and 1 more
Jan Awrejcewicz and 1 more
Visarath In and 2 more
Complex Decision Making
Hassan QudratUllah and 2 more
Pedestrian Dynamics
Pushkin Kachroo and 3 more
Complex Engineered Systems
Dan Braha and 2 more
Cyrille Bertelle and 2 more
Device Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics
Salvatore Baglio and 1 more
Mathematical Analysis of Urban Spatial Networks
Philippe Blanchard and 1 more
Cybernetical Physics
A Fradkov
Neurodynamics of Cognition and Consciousness
Leonid I Perlovsky and 1 more
Mathematical Methods in Signal Processing and Digital Image Analysis
Rainer Dahlhaus
Kunihiko Kaneko
Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Dynamical Systems
Moulay AzizAlaoui and 1 more
Managing Complexity
Dirk Helbing
B S Kerner
Coordination Dynamics
V K Jirsa and 1 more
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering. Volume 1
Santo Banerjee and 2 more
Models of Science Dynamics-Encounters Between Complexity Theory and Information Sciences
Andrea Scharnhorst and 2 more
Adaptive Networks
Thilo Gross and 1 more
Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex Systems
Alessandro Chiuso and 5 more
Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will
Nancey Murphy and 2 more
Emergence, Analysis and Evolution of Structures
Klaus Lucas and 1 more
Yurii Bolotin and 2 more
From System Complexity to Emergent Properties
Fatihcan M Atay
Polystochastic Models for Complexity
Octavian Iordache
The Innovation Butterfly
Edward Anderson and 1 more
Marco Thiel and 4 more
Alfons G Hoekstra and 2 more
Morphogenetic Engineering
René Doursat and 2 more
Consensus and Synchronization in Complex Networks
L Kocarev
Without Bounds
Ramon G Rubio and 1 more
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering. Vol. 3
Santo Banerjee and 1 more
Modern Mathematical Tools and Techniques in Capturing Complexity
Leandro Pardo and 2 more
Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems
Guillaume Deffuant and 1 more
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering - Vol. 1
Complexity, Cognition and the City
Juval Portugali
Models of Science Dynamics
Social Self-Organization
Edward G Anderson Jr and 1 more
Self-Evolvable Systems
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 2
Grey Systems
Sifeng Liu and 1 more
Modeling Multi-Level Systems
Handbook of Brain Connectivity
Viktor K Jirsa and 1 more
Complexity Perspectives on Language, Communication and Society
Àngels MassipBonet and 1 more
Complex Human Dynamics
Andrzej Nowak and 2 more
Constructal Law and the Unifying Principle of Design
Luiz AO Rocha and 2 more
Macroscopic Models for Vehicular Flows and Crowd Dynamics: Theory and Applications
Massimiliano Daniele Rosini
Temporal Networks
Petter Holme and 1 more
Co-Evolution of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems
Eve MitletonKelly
Ljupco Kocarev
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 3
Product Development Projects
Bruno Demissie and 1 more
Semigroup Methods for Evolution Equations on Networks
Delio Mugnolo
Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Nonlinear Systems
Rafael MartinezGuerra and 1 more
Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks
G Nigel Gilbert and 2 more
Ramon G Rubio and 8 more
Networks of Networks
Gregorio DAgostino and 1 more
International Conference on Theory and Application in Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2012)
Understanding Complex Urban Systems
Christian Walloth and 2 more
Beyond the Second Law
Roderick C Dewar and 3 more
Systems Engineering, Systems Thinking, and Learning
Hubert Anton Moser
Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience
Michael Wibral and 2 more
Chaos Theory in Politics
Conflict and Complexity
Philip Vos Fellman and 2 more
Stochastic Equations: Theory and Applications in Acoustics, Hydrodynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, and Radiophysics, Volume 1
Valery I Klyatskin
Better Decision Making in Complex, Dynamic Tasks
Hassan QudratUllah
Stochastic Equations: Theory and Applications in Acoustics, Hydrodynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, and Radiophysics, Volume 2
Frequency Domain Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Systems Based on Volterra Series Expansion
Xingjian Jing and 1 more
Synchronization of Integral and Fractional Order Chaotic Systems
Rafael MartínezGuerra and 2 more
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 4
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Complex Linguistic Networks
Alexander Mehler and 4 more
Network-Oriented Modeling
Jan Treur
Modelling Protocells
Roberto Serra and 1 more
Symmetry in Complex Network Systems
Visarath In and 1 more
Simulating Social Complexity
Bruce Edmonds and 1 more
Modern Mathematics and Mechanics
Victor A Sadovnichiy and 1 more
Climate Change and Energy Dynamics in the Middle East
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics
Visarath In
Complex Adaptive Systems
Ted Carmichael and 2 more
In Sync
Andrzej K Nowak and 3 more
COVID-19 Epidemiology and Virus Dynamics
Till Daniel Frank
Imagery Synergetics
Peter J Plath and 2 more
Corruption Networks
Oscar M Granados
Understanding the Dynamics of New Normal for Supply Chains
Physics of the Human Temporality
Ihor Lubashevsky and 1 more
Generative Complexity in a Complex Generative World
Ton Jörg
Artificial Intelligence, Learning and Computation in Economics and Finance
Ragupathy Venkatachalam
Till D Frank
Higher-Order Systems
Federico Battiston
Weakly Nonlinear Systems
Federico Beffa
Lectures on Nonlinear Dynamics
José Roberto Castilho Piqueira and 3 more
The Science of Influencers and Superspreaders Using Network Theory and Artificial Intelligence
Hernán A Makse and 1 more
An Approach to Multi-Agent Systems as a Generalized Multi-Synchronization Problem
Rafael MartínezGuerra and 1 more
Anomalous Stochastics
Michal Chorowski and 2 more